UEMS EBA Education and Professional Development Standing Committee

Chairperson: Sibylle Langenecker (Austria) 

Members: Ekateryna Belka, Hanna Chin, Ulbolhan Fesenko, Verena Ghezel-Ahmadi, Eija Junttila, Elke Knoke, Krisztina Madách, Liivi Maddison, Anna Malissiova, Francisco Matos, Krešimir Oremuš, Ted Rees, Mirjana Shosholcheva, Anne-Karina Torkov

This standing committee covers areas of Education and Training for Anaesthesiologists including:

  • preparing and updating European Training Requirements (ETR) in Anaesthesiology

  • preparing and updating Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of Anaesthesiologists

  • Examinations and qualifications:

    • assessing activities with European Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (EACCME)

    • collaborating within the Council of European Specialty Medical Assessment (CESMA)

    • collaborating within the Hospital Visitation of Training Facilities (HVTAP)

Publications from EPD 

The EBA UEMS through its EPD standing committee is responsible to create and maintain updated training guidelines for Anaesthesiology in Europe. These guidelines are then endorsed by the UEMS Council. 

Lobo, Clara; Kietaibl, Sibylle; Sabelnikovs, Olegs. Training needed for preoperative fasting guidelines implementationEuropean Journal of Anaesthesiology40(2):p 147-148, February 2023. DOI:10.1097/EJA.0000000000001783 

Shorten, George D.; De Robertis, Edoardo; Goldik, Zeev; Kietaibl, Sibylle; Niemi-Murola, Leila; Sabelnikovs, Olegs. European Section/Board of Anaesthesiology/European Society of Anaesthesiology consensus statement on competency-based education and training in anaesthesiology. European Journal of Anaesthesiology: June 2020 - Volume 37 - Issue 6 - p 421-434; doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001201

Kietaibl, Sibylle; De Robertis, Edoardo. Reply to: could an electronic log-book be effective for medical training in anaesthesiology? European Journal of Anaesthesiology37(6):p 516, June 2020.|DOI:10.1097/EJA.0000000000001211

Kietaibl, Sibylle; Blank, Anne; De Robertis, Edoardo European. Medical training in anaesthesiology: Updated European requirements. Journal of Anaesthesiology: July 2019 - Volume 36 - Issue 7 - p 473-47

doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001023

Certification of European Postgraduate qualifications In Anaesthesiology

Through its membership of CESMA (Council for European Specialty Medical Assessment) whose aim is to make recommendations on European Certificate

What is CME - Continuing Medical Education ?

Continuing medical education (CME) can be defined as educational activities which serve to maintain, develop or increase the knowledge, skills and professional performance and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public, or the profession.Therefore all continuing educational activities which assist physicians in carrying out their professional responsibilities more effectively and efficiently are considered as falling into the scope of this definition.

What is CPD - Continuing Professional Development?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the educative means of updating, developing and enhancing how physicians apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in their working lives. CPD rather than CME is the preferred term, as physicians may perform many roles that indirectly affect the quality of healthcare, such as teaching, research and management.

eLecture on CBMET