The EBA UEMS is the Anaesthesiology Section of UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) also working as the European Board of Anaesthesiology dealing primarily with Anaesthesia and Resuscitation, as well as Intensive Care, Emergency and Pain Medicine. Being part of UEMS it has the aims and strategies of UEMS
The aims of the EBA UEMS are: high quality and safe healthcare (Anaesthesiology) to all EU citizens, highest level of training of Anaesthesiologists, free movement of anaesthesiologists and participation and representation in other bodies and organisations
Structure of EBA
President: Olegs Sabelnikovs (Latvia)
Vice-President: Emilia Guasch (Spain)
Secretary: Kresimir Oremus (Croatia)
Treasurer: Pinelopi Kouki (Greece)
Summary of the EBA UEMS strategy:
EBA 2023