WWW STANDING COMMITTEE - Workforce, Working conditions, Welfare

Chairperson: Ioana Grigoras (Romania)
Vice-Chair: Paul Calleja (Malta)

This standing committee covers aspects of the work of Anaesthesiologists related to:
- Workforce e.g. Staffing and workload
- Working conditions e.g. Working hours, night duties,
- Welfare e.g. stress, bullying, substance abuse etc
- Assistance to the anaesthesiologist

Anaesthesiology Workforce in Europe

The EBA UEMS through its various national delegates represents all the Anaesthesiology workforce in Europe. It helps through its political voice in dealing with particular issues as they crop up in each country

Assistance to the Anaesthesiologists

The EBA UEMS is jointly working with the ESA (European Society of Anaesthesiologists) as well as with IFNA (International Federation on Nurse Anaesthetists) to develop guidelines and recommendations on the requirements of Anaesthesiologists and their assistants in Europe.