Application download

Hospital Visiting and Training Accreditation Programme (HVTAP)

The aim of this programme is to encourage high standards of Anaesthesiology Education Facilities in Europe as well as to increase harmonisation in Europe and easy movement of trainees from one training centre to another (e.g. for specific rotations).

Through this programme centres of excellence are rewarded for their hight standards of Anaesthesiology Training, and such centres become reference centres for Anaesthesiology Training within their region.

The process involves a preparatory period starting several months prior to the visit during which all the necessary documentation is gathered and organised. Then a visit of the training facility is planned and done by two HVTAP visitors (one EBA and one ESA). The National Anaesthesiology Society of that country is asked to send its own delegate to take part in the visit.

The visit is tailored around the specific facilities and setup but usually includes meetings with the various key stakeholders including the trainers, the trainees, the hospital managers, and the training director and coordinators. The facilities offered at the hospital for patient care and for training purposes are also inspected.

A detailed report is drawn after the visit and passed on to the Anaesthesiology Department. The certificate is then usually presented at the following Euroanaeshesia Congress.

For further details or to apply please contact:

HVTAP Committee

Valentina Almeida (EBA)


Bazil Ateleanu (ESA)
Ioana Grigoras (EBA)
Benedikt Pannen (ESA)
Oscar Petring (EBA)
Thomas Sieber (ESA)

Hugues Scipioni (Education and Examinations Manager )
Iwona Darquenne (Education and Examinations Administrator)

How to Apply

Here is a list of relevant documents. The policy document highlights the process to be followed including all the preparations required in advance and documentation to be prepared or submitted. The application form can be used to apply.

Accredited centres

Several centres have already been accredited. Click here to see a complete list of accredited centres…